Who We Are

WebMasters for Hire is a professional and personal home web page and software designing business.� We've been doing this for years. Meeting your demands will not be hard at all. We specialize in speed and perfection. We'll meet any reasonable deadline you request with perfection at that.

Our Mission

Our mission is to help businesses become bigger and more successful through the internet. There are a lot of big businesses that are missing out of the benifits the internet gives you. There is a huge advertisement bandwagon on the internet that i think everyone should jump on.

How to Get Started

Register Site: The first thing you will need to do is get a home page(we do not do that for you, but we will show you how). If you want a domain name such as http://www.youname.com then you'll have to register a web provider then register your domain through internic. If you want a free website ie: Fortunecite or Angelfile, click here and setup for a free account.

Pricing Plan: Now that you have a site, we come in. You will want to check out the pricing plan now.

Choose Web Style: Then you want to decide on how you want your page to look like. We, unfotunetly are not mind readers so we dont know how you want your site. So goto the bottom of our page and check out the different styles you can have.

Email Me: When you are done, email me with what you want, just as it's said on the webstyle section.

Lastly, check your site soon and email me if you have any problems. Depending on your pricing plan, We will decide on either updating your site regularly or teaching you how to update it on your own.

Pricing Plan

There are three ways you can pay for this service.

A. You pay $100 startup fee, and an additional $10 a month for me to update your site monthly.

B. You pay $100 startup fee, and an additional $20 flat rate and we will write out a complete costom made tutorial on how to maintain your site.

C. You pay $200 total flat rate and we will update your site montly for a whole year. If you chose to have your serviced renewed for another year, then the charge will be an additional $100. This Plan saves you $20 a year.

Send mail to [email protected] with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright � 1999